  I’ve always found it pretty easy to write down my thoughts. For the past 10 years I focused most of my time and energy to studying theology and the mysteries of the bible, along with acient civilizations, which I believe go hand and hand. My research has led me to believe there are still many ancient artifacts and ruins still waiting to be discovered in the Americas. I feel an urge and a strong desire to unravel more of the Americas ancient history. It’s like a burning sensation in my soul that I can’t quite explain! Regardless I’m answering my calling and I would love to share my own theories and research with you all. Aslo we are hoping to raise money at   https://www.gofundme.com/f/ancient-history-of-the-americas which will be used for more research into the Ancient History of the Americas. If this is something you’re interested in or would like to take part in please email me.